(2014-11-20) To participate in the "AMVER" system, the Jüngerhans shipping company has for the operated heavy-lift vessel MS "INDUSTRIAL CHIEF" received a respective label from the US Coast Guard...
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(2014-10-15) Seven vessels of the Jüngerhans fleet have since the summer of this year until today received their new classification certificate from the society ClassNK.
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After the Jüngerhans shipping company had some time ago assumed the technical management for the two heavy lift vessels MV "INDUSTRIAL CHIEF" and "INDUSTRIAL CHALLENGER", another heavy lift vessel...
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2014-09-23) The city of Haren (Ems), always having been the domicile of the Jüngerhans shipping company, is until present time marked by the shipping industry.
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Reederei Jüngerhans

Visitors: Boschstrasse 31 | 49733 Haren (Ems) | Germany

Post: P.O. Box 1260 | 49724 Haren (Ems) | Germany


Phone: +49 5932 7250-0
Telefax: +49 5932 7250-60
E-Mail: info(at)juengerhans.de