Captain Hermann Jüngerhans deceased
The founder and co-owner of the shipping company Captain Hermann Jüngerhans passes away at the age of 63.
Herm Jüngerhans joins the management team
Herm Jüngerhans, Shipping Clerk and state-certified Graduate in Business Administration (staatlich geprüfter Betriebswirt DAV), joins the management team. Herm is the son of Maria and Heinrich Jüngerhans.
Improved purchasing: Foundation of trans-Mar Supply
Against the background of increased cost awareness in the industry, trans-Mar-supply GmbH & Co. KG was in early 2002 founded jointly with the shipping company Harren & Partner of Bremen as a purchasing company with the intention to pool the purchasing activities of the fleets and to fully exploit the benefits arising in the market.

For more information, please see: Trans-Mar-Supply
Expansion requires a new office building
Expansion requires a new office building. The new building of the shipping company was raised at "Boschstraße 31" and later extended and is still today the headquarters of the group.
Stefan Jüngerhans joins the management team
Stefan Jüngerhans, Graduate Industrial Engineer for Maritime and Port Industries (Dipl. Wirtschafts-Ing. f. Seeverkehrs- und Hafenwirtschaft (SHW)) and son of Maria and Heinrich Jüngerhans, joins the management team.
Foundation of "Jüngerhans Maritime Services"
The change in generation is legally initiated with the foundation of "Jüngerhans Maritime Services GmbH & Co. KG". The company shall in the future assume the shipping activities for the vessels of the Jüngerhans fleet.
New segment heavy lift shipping
Ordering the first series of four 8,000 dwt heavy lift vessels with 2 x 200 ton cranes from Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo SA, Portugal. This is the entry into heavy lift shipping which next to container shipping has now until today represented the second core segment of the shipping company.
Relocating to new shipping company premises
The expansion requires more space: Relocating to the shipping company building at "Papenwiese".
New flagships: MV "KLAUS J" and MV "HELENE J"
Christening and delivery of the new flagships MV "KLAUS J" and MV "HELENE J" at MTW Wismar with 1,900 TEU. The "Meppener Tagespost" reported on April 21st 1997:

"A HELENE J is after more than 100 years again sailing the seas. The sailing vessel HELENE was built 107 years ago for the grandfather of the Haren shipowners Heinrich and Hermann Jüngerhans. A vessel now again christened in the name HELENE J will be handed over to the two grandsons. Together with her, also the sister ship KLAUS J was christened. The christening ceremony was conducted by the two wives of the shipowners. The candidates to be christened are container vessels of the type BV 1900 with a loading capacity of 26,200 tons. A moving moment for all, when the shipyard flag flying on the tall mast was hauled down to the sounds of the national anthem and replaced with that of the "Astor Schifffahrtsgesellschaft" domiciled in Haren. Both newbuildings represent a total investment of 167 million D-Mark."
Milestone own chartering: Foundation of ARKON
Foundation of ARKON Shipping together with the shipping agent Torsten Westphal and the Wessels shipping company. The company started in 1995 with three employees and 12 vessels. ARKON is today one of the leading chartering brokers in Europe. For more information, please see: ARKON SHIPPING
Beginning of the collaboration with the Oltmann Group
The beginning of the long and successful collaboration with the Jan Luiken Oltmann Group, Leer. Until today, the Oltmann Group is a major partner of the shipping group.
Start of series shipbuilding
The start of series shipbuilding with an order of a series of 6 vessels of the type of a 200 TEU container vessel (3,200 dwt) at Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo SA, Portugal This is the beginning of the collaboration with MPC Marine.
Construction MV "HEINRICH J"
Construction of MV "HEINRICH J" with a length of 117 m and a loading capacity of 7,100 dwt and 574 TEU. It was sold in 1996.

The local press wrote on July 1st 1985:
"Manifestation of typical daringness of the shippers from Haren. Christening and delivery journey of HEINRICH J. The" WEGA shipping company" takes over the 117 meters long vessel (574 TEU) intended for container shipping. The contract volume for the newbuilding amounted to 32 million."
Construction "MARIA J"
Construction of MV "MARIA J" with a loading capacity of 6,100 dwt and 403 TEU at the Cassens shipyard in Emden as a sister ship of MV "STEPHAN J". It was sold in 1997.
Construction of MV "STEPHAN J"
With the construction of MV "STEPHAN J" in 1982, the step was made from a single vessel shipping company to a shipping group. It was said on October 11th 1982 in the "Meppener Tagespost" in the article "Ein Bote vom Emsland auf allen Weltmeeren (A messenger from the Emsland on all seven seas)":

"Haul down the shipyard flag! A 20-million project is delivered to its owner. STEPHAN J, a multipurpose freighter from Haren, shall in future sail the route from the large North Sea ports to North Africa. The novelty is that both conventional goods as well as containers can be carried and that trucks can drive onto the freighter directly via a ramp at the stern of the vessel."
Construction MV "HERM J"
In October of 1980, "HERM J" was christened by the wife of the shipowner Hermann Jüngerhans on the Cassens shipyard in Emden The vessel was a multipurpose freighter with a loading capacity of 3,020 dwt. At the delivery, Mayor Meyer of Emden said:
"Entrepreneurship, skilled work at the shipyard and aid from federal and state governments have created a successful work."
Construction of MV "ADELE J"
Construction of MV "ADELE J" at HDW in Kiel. A RoRo vessel with a loading capacity of 2,650 dwt and 260 TEU. It was sold in 1990.

On August 29th 1979 the "Meppener Tagespost" reported:
"Maiden voyage of "ADELE J "in the Kiel Fjord. The vessel is modern and can be employed worldwide. The special feature of the new 92 meters long and 18 meters wide vessel is the bridge located at the bow, significantly facilitating the overview and allowing stacking containers on deck in two rows. This type is referred to as a Ro / Ro vessel. "ADELE J" can be loaded simultaneously both by the two cranes with 25 t lifting capacity and via the eight meters wide stern flap. This results in shortened lay days in port and cargo can also be loaded in ports that have no cargo gear.
Construction MV "STEPHAN J"
"STEPHAN J" was built in 1971 as the first KG model of the Brothers Jüngerhans. It was with 40% foreign capital built at the shipyard Martin Jansen in Leer. After all, the 60-meter shelter deck vessel at that time already cost 1.2 million D-Mark. The capital was raised without a prospectus and essentially still by means of a handshake.
Construction MV "ADELE J"
"ADELE J" was launched in Oberwinter just one year later, named after the shortened first name of the mother. This ship was commanded by Captain Hermann Jüngerhans.
Construction MV "STEFAN J"
"STEFAN J" was with an "interest-free" loan from their father in 1965 ordered from the Lühring shipyard in Brake. Captain of the vessel became son Heinrich Jüngerhans. The vessel had a loading capacity of 400 dwt and was again sold in 1971.
Foundation of "Stephan Jüngerhans und Söhne oHG"
Stephan Jüngerhans, with his sons Hermann and Heinrich Jüngerhans, founded the shipping company "Stephan Jüngerhans und Söhne oHG", the legal predecessor of today's shipping group.
Reederei Jüngerhans

Visitors: Boschstrasse 31 | 49733 Haren (Ems) | Germany

Post: P.O. Box 1260 | 49724 Haren (Ems) | Germany


Phone: +49 5932 7250-0
Telefax: +49 5932 7250-60
E-Mail: info(at)juengerhans.de