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The Board of Directors of the Association of German Shipowners (VDR) has re-elected the incumbent President Gaby Bornheim. For the first time, Stefan Jüngerhans was elected to the Board of Directors and the Presidium of the VDR.

Peter Bagh, Chief Operating Officer of the Lübeck shipping company Oldendorff, was also newly elected to the executive committee. The executive committee also includes: Maximilian Rothkopf (Chief Operating Officer Hapag-Lloyd AG), Nikolaus H. Schües (owner of Reederei F. Laeisz GmbH) and Arnt Vespermann (Chief Executive Officer CPO Holding GmbH & Co. KG).

Thomas Rehder, Managing Director of the traditional Hamburg company Carsten Rehder, and Peter Oltmann, Managing Partner of the Oltmann shipping company in Stade, have left after decades of dedicated work.

About the Association of German Shipowners

The Association of German Shipowners (VDR) represents the common economic and socio-political interests of German shipping companies at the federal and state level as well as vis-à-vis European and international bodies. The VDR was founded in 1907 and merged with the Association of German Coastal Shipowners in 1994. With around 200 members, the VDR represents the majority of the German merchant fleet. More information at
Reederei Jüngerhans

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